
Privacy – New Argentine draft bill on personal data protection

Privacy – New Argentine draft bill on personal data protection

By Mariano Peruzzotti.

A new draft bill on personal data protection  (“Draft Bill”) was officially released on September 12, 2022, and individuals and organizations may submit their comments to the text until September 30.

On August 2022, the Argentine Agency of Access to Public Information, supervisory authority of the Argentine Data Protection Law (“DPA”), has initiated the process aimed at reforming the personal data protection regime. Personal Data Protection Law No. 25,326 (PDPL) passed in 2000 and complemented by Regulatory Decree No. 1558/2001 and several resolutions, rules and guidelines issued by the DPA. On September 12, 2022, DPA’s Resolution 119/2022 that released the Draft Bill was published in the Official Gazette.

The Draft Bill follows the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) in many aspects. The text of the Draft Bill can be consulted here.

Resolution 119/2022 also initiates the public consultation process. Any natural or legal person, public or private may submit their proposals and opinions until September 30, 2022. Once the Public Consultation stage is concluded, the DPA will evaluate the contributions and will probably make some adjustments to the text that will be discussed with the sphere of the Federal Executive Branch for its subsequent introduction in Congress, tentatively in October 2022, according to the schedule informed by the Head of the DPA.

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