
Recommendations for Artificial Intelligence implementation issued

Recommendations for Artificial Intelligence implementation issued

By Andrea Sanchez Vicentini and Mariano Peruzzotti.

The Cabinet of Ministers issued ethical recommendations for the implementation of Artificial Intelligence in the public sector.

On June 2, 2023, Provision 2/2023 of the Undersecretariat of Information Technologies of the Cabinet of Ministers was published in the Official Gazette approving the “Recommendations for a Reliable Artificial Intelligence” (“Recommendations”) aimed at those projects led, developed or adopted by those who are part of the public sector. In addition, it approved as an annex a graphic scheme of the stages of Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) projects.

The document emphasizes the fundamental role of the Executive Branch in promoting and developing AI solutions that are designed to address the real needs of people, as well as ensuring that the use of AI is transparent, equitable and accountable. For this reason, the aim of the Recommendations is to provide tools for those carrying out public innovation projects through technology, with a specific focus on those involving the use of AI.

The Recommendations state that the liability for decisions based on algorithm-generated responses rests with the human person who is using AI for the particular project, as this is the only one with intention, discernment and freedom of action. This person, who will be liable for ensuring the sustainability of the project over time, must be formally assigned and appointed. Projects should also be aligned with the common good and human rights. In this sense, control instruments designed to identify the degree of responsibility that will fall on the person in charge of each project, ways to mitigate risks or remedy irregularities, should be considered.

The document also incorporates the principles already established in other international instruments, such as the Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and the principles set out at the Asilomar Conference organized by the “Future of Life” Institute. Some of them are the following:

  • Safety and security
  • Fairness and non-discrimination
  • Right to Privacy and Data Protection
  • Human oversight and determination
  • Transparency and explainability
  • Responsibility and accountability

Although the Recommendations present abstract criteria, they provide a summary of the guiding principles to be considered by the public sector to develop initiatives involving AI. This is especially relevant considering that there is currently no legislation in Argentina that regulates the use of AI.

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