
Category: Articles.October.22

Diversity – October 12th: a day to reflect on cultural diversity

By Abril Neiman. Every year, in October, in Argentina we commemorate a date of great meaning for our culture, although few people really understand the significance of this holiday. For this reason, we will try to explain the history of the 12 of October. In our country, the story goes back to the year 1917, when […]

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Labelling – ANMAT Provision 6924/2022

By Mateo Darget. On August 26, 2022, Provision No. 6924/2022 (“Provision”) of the National Administration of Medicines, Food and Medical Technology (“ANMAT”, for its acronym in Spanish) was published in the Official Gazette. This Provision regulates advertising aspects related to the regime of Law No. 27,642 on the Promotion of Healthy Eating, its Regulatory Decree No. […]

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Trademarks – The burden of proof in precautionary proceedings

By Josefina Piñeiro. In the ruling, Second Division of the Federal Court of Appeals in Civil and Commercial Matters analyzed whether the precautionary measure requested by the firm Giorgetti & Bruno SRL was appropriate or not. The plaintiff would have based the measure on an alleged transfer of ownership of the mixed sign “Los Totora” […]

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Technology and Privacy – News about international transfers of personal data

By Josefina Piñeiro and Mateo Darget. Summary: In this article, we comment on the different developments that have emerged in recent months regarding international transfers of personal data. In recent months, two important developments have occurred regarding international transfers of personal data. On the one hand, US President Joe Biden signed the Executive Order called […]

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Trademarks – The importance of expressing grievances

By Belén Sorrentino and Sol Baudino. The Federal Civil and Commercial Court upheld the decision of the lower court, which rejected the claim filed by Mr. Diego Ezequiel Méndez seeking the revocation of the Resolution of the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI by its acronym in Spanish). The resolution refused the trademark application for […]

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