
Category: Articles

Tasteless families and flavored families

By Diego Montangero. On March 11, 2021, Division 1 of the Federal Court of Appeals in Civil and Commercial Matters in the city of Buenos Aires confirmed the district court’s decision which declared grounded the opposition against trademark application for “FAMILIAS SABORIZADAS” (“FLAVORED FAMILIES”), filed by SOCIÉTÉ DES PRODIUTS NESTLÉ S.A. to distinguish “all the […]

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ARGENTINA – New law on the financing of Science and Technology

By  Raquel Flanzbaum. On February 24, 2021, the Argentine Congress enacted Law No. 27,614 on the Financing of the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation. The main points of the new law are the following: To increase, over a period of time, the percentage of the GDP allocated to science and technology; To advance […]

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News on personal data protection

By Mariano Peruzzotti. Over the last months there have been several developments on privacy as we briefly described below: New Data Protection Authority’s inspection proceedings The Argentine Agency of Access to Public Information (“AAAPI”), controlling authority of Personal Data Protection Law No. 25,326 and Do Not Call Registry Law No. 26,951 introduced changes to the […]

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Increase on the value of fines under Argentine Fair Trade legal framework.

By Mariano Peruzzotti and Milena Badalamenti. On February 22, 2021, Resolution 151/2021 (“Resolution”) of the Secretariat of Domestic Trade was published in the Official Gazette. This Resolution updates the value of the Adjustable Unit (“AU”) used as the monetary coefficient that applies in cases of fines imposed by the Fair Trade regime. As provided in the […]

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New fees on domain name proceedings

By María Luisa Santa María. On March 4, 2021, Resolution 08/2021 issued by the Legal and Technical Secretariat was published in the Official Gazette, unifying and updating the official fees for the registration, renewal and assignment of internet domains, and domain name dispute resolution before NIC Argentina. Domain Registration Renewal Transfer Dispute resolution Pesos 270 […]

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New Decree regulates Supermarket Shelf Law

By Mariano Peruzzotti, Paula Caraffa Morando and Mateo Cozzi. On December 14, 2020, the regulation of the Supermarket Shelf Law No. 27.545 (“LG”, for its acronym in Spanish) enacted by the National Congress in 2020, was published in the Official Gazette. Decree No. 991/2020 (“Decree”) regulated aspects of the LG. The main purposes of the LG are […]

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Juan Carlos Ojam collaborated on an article for WTR

We share with you the article “Fame in South America: how to establish and wield well-known status”, published by World Trademark Review, with the collaboration of Juan Carlos Ojam, along with other referents of the region.

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