
Legal Update 2023

Legal Update 2023

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Metaverse – Intangible assets, more intangible than ever 

By Mariel Chichisola y Abril Neiman. Although for several decades we have experienced continuous technological developments, there is one in particular that stands out as the great revolution of this generation: the metaverse. Probably at some point, we have all heard about this new phenomenon; however, there is still a lot about it that is […]

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Greenwashing – Situation in Argentina

By Raquel Flanzbaum. Greenwashing, the practice of appearing to be environmentally friendly when in fact the enterprise making the claim is polluting it, has increasingly drawn the attention of IP specialists in Argentina. This behavior has not only affected the fashion industry but other fields as well, as we shall see below. We will comment on […]

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Consumer Protection – New changes for service providers: modification of Resolution 1033/2021 of the Secretariat of Domestic Trade

By Mariano Peruzzotti and Belen Sorrentino. On October 6, 2021, Resolution 1033/2021 of the Secretariat of Domestic Trade (“Secretariat”) was published in the Official Gazette. It established the Minimum Mandatory Quality Parameters for Remote Attention and Communication Services to be provided by certain suppliers of goods and services. On May 3, 2022, Resolution 425/2022 was published in the […]

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Trademarks – An interesting case of confusion

By Mercedes Bullrich and Olivia Molina. We´re all familiar with the famous Road Runner character, that fast, vivacious, bluebird that continually frustrates the coyote’s efforts to catch him, and his characteristic BIP BIP sound, owned by Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. This is what the entertainment giant alleged when opposing the BIP BIP! trademark application. What […]

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VIDEO: World Intellectual Property Day – April 26

World Intellectual Property Day – April 26Today we join this year’s theme proposed by World Intellectual Property Organization – WIPO: “IP and Youth: Innovating for a Better Future”. This theme explores how youth are driving a positive change in encouraging innovation and creativity within intellectual property, so we asked them what they think about it.

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April 26 – World IP Day

Today, April 26, we celebrate World IP Day! This year’s theme is “IP and Youth: Innovating for a Better Future”.On this date, we want to emphasize the importance of young people learning about intellectual property to drive positive change in society. World Intellectual Property Organization – WIPOInternational Trademark Association (INTA)

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Implementing Regulation on the Front-of-Package Labelling Law

By Mariano Peruzzotti, María Luisa Santa María and Antonella Balbo. On March 23, 2022, Decree 151/2022 (the “Decree”), which regulates the implementation of Law 27,642 on the Promotion of Healthy Eating, also known as the Front-of-Package Labelling Law, was published in the Official Gazette. This new legislation provides, among others, the obligation to display nutritional […]

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IT – Resolution 139/2022 – Ministry of Security

By Mariano Peruzzotti and Belen Sorrentino. On March 17, 2022, Resolution 139/2022 of the Ministry of Security was published in the Official Gazette. This new regulation created the High- Tech Cybercrime Investigation Center (in Spanish “Centro de Investigaciones del Ciberdelito de Alta Tecnología)) within the framework of the “Program for Strengthening Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Investigation”. Resolution 139/2022 sets […]

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Privacy – European Commission and the United States Announce Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework

By Mariano Peruzzotti and Andrea Sanchez Vicentini. On March 25, 2022, the European Commission (“EC”) and the United States announced that they have reached an agreement on a new Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework that would allow the international transfer of personal data. The agreement seeks to encourage transatlantic data flows and addresses the concerns raised by the EU […]

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The offer and production of evidence in direct appeals before the Federal Courts

By María Luisa Santa María and Josefina Piñeiro.           In re Westrock Shared Services LLC v. West Pharmaceutical Services INC[1], the Third Division of the Federal Court of Appeals in Civil and Commercial Matters decided on the dismissal in limine of the direct appeal against the resolution issued by the National Directorate of Trademarks of […]

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Fintech – First seizure of funds deposited in a digital wallet

By Mariano Peruzzotti and Belen Sorrentino. The Federal Social Security Court No. 10 of the City of Buenos Aires authorized the first seizure of the digital wallets of a taxpayer who registered a debt with the Federal Tax Authorities. At the beginning of February 2022, the Federal Tax Authorities (in Spanish, Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos) included the […]

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Privacy – Media companies condemned for violating privacy rights

By Mariano Peruzzotti and Andrea Sanchez Vicentini. The Court of Appeals in Civil matters of the City of Buenos Aires (“Court of Appeals”) condemned several important radio, television, and digital media companies for infringing an individual’s privacy rights by broadcasting his images obtained in the context of a private meeting. The plaintiff filed a complaint against these companies […]

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Privacy – Big IT company faces security incident

By Mariano Peruzzotti and Mateo Darget. In the last few days, a well-known software developer and technological solutions company suffered a security incident. The event was caused by an unauthorized access to the company’s source code. According to reports, the incident was committed by the LAPSUS$ group, a cyber-hacking organization that has recently carried out similar attacks on […]

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Privacy – Local court grants an Habeas Data remedy referred to police records

By Mariano Peruzzotti and Andrea Sanchez Vicentini. On February 1st, 2022, the Court of Justice of the Province of Salta granted an Habeas Data remedy aimed at removing plaintiff’s police records. The plaintiff filed an Habeas Data remedy against the Police of the Province of Salta in order to obtain the removal of police records concerning in which […]

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New director appointed for the Argentine Agency for Access to Public Information

By Mariano Peruzzotti and Mateo Darget. On March 9, 2022, by means of Decree 110/2022, Mrs. Beatriz de Anchorena was appointed as Director of the Agency for Access to Public Information (“Agency”), supervisory authority of the Personal Data Protection Law, the Do Not Call Registry Law and the Access to Public Information Law. As we commented in the […]

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New sanctions imposed by the data protection authority

By Mariano Peruzzotti and Belen Sorrentino. During the first months of 2022 the Agency of Access to Public Information (AAPI) imposed sanctions to different organizations for violations of Personal Data Protection Law No. 25,326 (“PDPL”). Below we will briefly comment each case: Electricity provider The claimant requested an electricity provider to remove his personal data as the company […]

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Central Bank of Argentina establishes new measures for digital wallets

By Mariano Peruzzotti and Mateo Darget. On February 24, 2022, the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Argentina (in Spanish, Banco Central de la República Argentina, “BCRA”) adopted a series of measures to improve the security of digital wallets. Through Communication “A” 7462 and Communication “A” 7463, the BCRA established new technical requirements for Payment Service […]

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Celebrities’ behavior and its impact on trademarks

By Camila Sirianni and  Antonella Balbo. The influence of celebrities on consumer behavior is based on marketing strategies that are essential to companies. In this way, a brand is associated with the values or qualities of a celebrity. The purpose is to “humanize” the brand, linking the values represented by the celebrity with those that the […]

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New regulations on cybersecurity and IT matters

By Mariano Peruzzotti and Andrea Sanchez Vicentini. During February 2022 several regulations issued by the Ministry of Security and the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, respectively concerning cybersecurity and IT-related matters were published in the Official Gazette. Below, we will briefly comment the main aspects of each regulation: Resolution 75/2022 – Ministry of Security On February 15, 2022, […]

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Nothing Found Here!

It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.


Nothing Found Here!

It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.


Nothing Found Here!

It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.


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It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.


Nothing Found Here!

It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.


Nothing Found Here!

It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.