National brand: The identity of a country before the world
What is a National Brand?
In a world as globalized as the one we live in, the national brand was born as a need to create a country’s own identity in front of the world. Therefore, the national brand is more than a trademark, it is a strategy to capitalize on the reputation of a country in international markets.
In this way, the aim is to highlight the strengths and qualities that each country has to offer, and that make it unique, through a graphic, nominal and symbolic sign.
What is it for?
Although there are similarities between a trademark and a national brand, this one has a different purpose that goes beyond distinguishing products and services in the market. Rather, we are faced with a sign that mainly seeks:
(i) to promote and communicate favorably the image of a country, and
(ii) to promote tourism, exports and foreign direct investment.
What is its legal nature?
Given the particularities that distinguish it, the legal nature of the national brand is different from that of the commercial brand. The national brand constitutes a sui generis distinctive sign because, despite its name, it is not intended to be a trademark since it does not apply to a specific product or service of a particular company. National brands do not operate in the sphere of private law like trademarks, and should not be reduced to that level in their recognition and protection.
Benefits of good management
It is necessary to define the management and strategy for the use and promotion of the national brand for it to be effective.
Today there are agencies specialized in developing global strategies and rankings that categorize and measure the effectiveness and consolidation of national brands based on different variables.
The main advantages of developing a national brand strategy are the following:
– Grants values to a country, strengthening the internal perception of the country among its own citizens (strengthens the sense of belonging and national pride)
– Creates its own identity capable of attracting different audiences and actors beyond other nations. The foreign public is sensitized towards better acceptance of products and services that come from the country in question, and thus promote commercial, economic, tourist and cultural links.
– By creating a good perception of the country, this can become an economic advantage, generating jobs, creating wealth, and improving the social and economic situation.
In Argentina
Through the Decree 460/2021, of July 15, 2021, the Argentine government established the new and updated version of the “ARGENTINE BRAND” as the Official Brand of the Argentine Republic, which is identified with the following isologotype:

The renewal of the National Brand was carried out for the following purposes, among others:
i) Contribute to national growth and development: seeks to position and promote the country in the world, increasing national competitiveness.
This is intended to attract foreign direct investment and generate greater flow in the tourism sector and exports.
ii) Contribute to strengthening the sense of belonging and pride of being Argentine.
The National State, as the exclusive owner of its rights, has regulated its use and may authorize it, at the national or international level, through a Use License granted by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Nation. License that is non-transferable and non-exclusive, and is intended for the promotion of tourism, culture, sports, exports, investments, and the image of the country.
In our country, when granting licenses, priority is given to innovative companies committed to global issues (environmental protection, food supply, renewable energy, gender equality), among others.
In Latin America
In recent years, more and more countries within the Latin American region have invested and developed the national brand as an instrument of economic and social development. We highlight the cases of Uruguay, Peru and Colombia below.
Uruguay is distinguished in the region for the use of its country brand Uruguay and its licensing system:

In recent years, the country developed 7 sectoral brands of goods and services at the request of various export groups. Among them, “Uruguay Meats”, linked to meat, and the campaign that will soon be promoted in Europe by the Uruguay Wools brand, in this case dedicated to wool.
In the case of Peru, its iconic brand has been recognized worldwide:

It has achieved its protection at the national and international level through its registration in various foreign trademark offices. It promoted its recognition and protection within the Andean Community and achieved the approval of Andean Decision No. 876, Common Regime on National Branding, which governs Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru. It has also presented a draft declaration referring to the possible global protection of the national brand in the World Intellectual Property Organization, an issue that is still under discussion.
In the case of Colombia, this year it presented its new Country Brand: ‘Colombia, the country of beauty’:

The Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, Germán Umaña Mendoza, highlighted that “this is a unified promotional message to promote social, environmental and economic justice in the territories, based on tourism from both national and international travelers; of foreign direct investment and non-mining energy exports, all under the umbrella of sustainability.”
It was also mentioned that the strategic process of its design led to the conclusion that beauty, understood in its multiple dimensions such as natural landscapes, cultural diversity, gastronomic wealth and the warmth of its people, is a distinctive and attractive element of Colombia that deserves be highlighted in the new National Brand narrative.
In view of the above, national brands have an emblematic role in the identity and image of the country.
Given the globalization and inevitable competition in international markets, the challenge, especially for countries in the region, is to create and design a brand that represents the identity of the country, exporting companies, investment opportunities, a place as a tourist destination and as a second residence destination, trying to obtain worldwide recognition that contributes to national development and growth.
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