
New director proposed for the Argentine Agency for Access to Public Information

New director proposed for the Argentine Agency for Access to Public Information

By Mariano Peruzzotti and Mateo Darget.

The Chief of Cabinet proposed a new candidate for the position of Director of the Agency for Access to Public Information (“Agency”), supervisory authority of the Personal Data Protection Law, the Do Not Call Law and the Access to Public Information Law. 

The appointment of a new director is pending since the beginning of 2021. As commented previously (see here), on October 19, 2020, the former Agency’s Director resigned from the position as of January 1, 2021. Consequently, the Chief of Cabinet proposed a previous candidate to cover the role. However, the nomination has been withdrawn after a public hearing in which several objections and comments to the proposal were discussed. 

Now through Resolution 18/2022 the Chief of Cabinet proposed Beatriz de Anchorena for this position. A public hearing to discuss potential objections and comments to the nomination will take place on February 25, 2022. The Executive Branch will then decide as to whether confirm or withdraw the nomination.

The full text of the Resolution is available at the following website:

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